Monday, June 7, 2010

The Tow Truck Driver

The Tow Truck Driver: A Love Story

Downtown LA looked pretty deserted at 3am.
Sitting in the car waiting for the tow truck to come
At the corner of 18th and Maple.

The police had left me there
After they rescued me from a narrow shoulder on the 10 freeway
Right when it splits to the 110 to Pasadena.


The police officer pushed me out
To the nearest exit
Maple Street.
And left me there

The tow truck came pretty soon.
The driver got me up into the cabin
And sat next to me
Ready to drive me back to Pasadena.

He said: "You look like a good girl,"
To me, who was rescued from a narrow shoulder on the freeway at 3 AM.
I looked at him, he looked pretty ok, and said "What is a good girl?"
Then I said,
"I was married. But it didn't work."
He said,
"You need a MAN."
And I said,
Then he kissed me directly on the lips and said,
"Give me your keys,"
Got my car up,
And drove me and my car on the tow truck towards the horizon.

THE END (rolling credits)

Written originally in  English

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